Arya Fae (Doctor's Origin)


SCENE opens late one night as Dr. Marshall is finishing her rounds at the hospital. She walks through the emergency room door and briskly heads down the hall to visit her final patients, accompanied by a tired-looking resident under her supervision. The resident, named Bill, has been on call for the past 48 hours and is ready to collapse -- he can barely keep up. But Dr. Marshall pays no attention; she's used to this life and expects the same from her residents. She waits impatiently for him before softly knocking on the patient's door and entering the room. There are two recovery beds set up inside. Dr. Marshall walks over to the first and kneels to check on the male patient. He grumbles and complains about being woken up as she adjusts his pillows and makes a few quiet requests for the resident to jot down. As he absentmindedly does this, Bill looks over to the patient in the second bed. A young woman lays there, dreaming, her leg in a fracture boot, her arm in a sling. She is wearing a neck brace. Bill seems transfixed by her innocence. He stares at her, lost in thought, when an announcement comes over the loud speaker, paging Dr. Marshall to return to emergency. The busy Doctor hands her clipboard over to the resident and informs Bill that he will need to finish the rounds himself. It's probably the McGuire patient, responding negatively to surgery. Just check vitals on the female patient and ensure she is in a comfortable position before signing out. Dr. Marshall exits the room, leaving Bill alone. He swallows hard and turns back to stare at the girl.

01 November 2023
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10 March 2025