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To Catch a Cheater - India Summer
SCENE OPENS on the interior of a car, where loving husband Joe in the driver's seat has just pulled to a stop and put on his blinkers. He leans his arm casually against the window-frame, his wedding ring noticeable on his propped-up hand, and he turns to look lovingly at his wife in the passenger's seat. Vanessa (India Summer) has pulled down the passenger's visor and is applying a retouch of her make-up using the visor mirror, but shoots a glance and a smile at her husband as he turns to look at her. Joe asks if she's sure she doesn't want him to drive her the rest of the way, he really doesn't mind. Vanessa says 'Oh, no, honey! That's so sweet, but you have a lot of work to get done. I'll be OK, it's just a few more blocks to walk from here.' Vanessa finishes applying her makeup but is still fixated on the mirror, flouncing her hair to look just right. In any case, she says, she doesn't know how long this meeting is going to last so he probably shouldn't wait up for her. He should go out for a bit, have some fun with the boys. Joe is disappointed, saying that his son, Danny, is coming for dinner that night. Vanessa gasps, saying that she can't believe she's going to miss Danny again! Joe sighs and says it's okay and that she'll just have to meet him next time. Joe leans over for a kiss after wishing her good luck for the day, but she steps out of the car without acknowledging him. From a wide flat perspective outside the passenger's side of the car, we see Vanessa step out of the car and close the door. Elegant and purposeful, she slowly walks towards the camera. As the car pulls away, Vanessa looks back for a moment, then forward again, looking straight towards (or past) the camera. With a subtle smile, she continues walking, and as she gets closer we clearly see her hold her hand out in front of her and remove her wedding ring from her finger.