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When you shove your cock in a girl's ass,she says "is it in yet?","oh this doesn't hurt that bad!",then proceeds to actually enjoy it, you can either let that deflate your ego or see it for what it is - you just got to turn out another innocent girl-next-door into an anal loving porn whore,help her discover herself sexually.,being the wise sexual educator I am, I do not tell Mandy that she needs to shave her asshole, work on her BJ skills, laser off that idiotic tattoo, or that it's not usual to suck,fuck the talent agent for a demo tape. I let her find all that out for herself when weeks go by,her phone doesn't ring, except when friends,family call Mandy after watching her get assfucked,pumped full of cum on Backroom Casting Couch.
02 November 2024